Go to Account Settings and select Delete Account

Insert your password to confirm!

We will consider your account canceled - but not deleted yet!

The account will be deleted once the last Subscription from all Chasers has expired.

Between the cancelation and the final deletion of your account you will not have access to your account, you are not allowed to add, update or remove posts, videos or photos.

No new subscriptions will be possible for your account from the cancelation date.

Any active subscription will be lost and will not automatically be renewed.

You will receive an email confirmation upon the successful deletion of your account.

Please be aware:
Once deleted, your account will not be able to be restored, even if you would use the same email address and you will have to create a new account with all settings.

Between the cancelation and the final deletion not even we have the power to reinstate your account - so please consider this option carefully. 

Maybe consider deleting all your entrees, pictures, and movies after the subscriptions of your chasers are expired and leave the account open for a couple of weeks, just to make sure you do not want to come back.

Also, all unclaimed tokens / money / payouts, and transactions are irreversible lost.

There is no payout even technically possible after canceling a Star account!

It is also your responsibility to finalize all store transactions (shopping physical or digital items in your personal Shop) before the cancelation. The data will be lost once your account is canceled!